A part of good communication means allowing space to voice concerns. This is that space for Be Bigger Do Better.
While we strive to avoid causing concern, we know that they may come up. Even if we aren't technically causing a concern, a concer may arise. Whether we are causing a concern or a concern arises, at Be Bigger Do Better we want to strive to address concerns to the best of our ability.
Trigger Concerns
We acknowledge that some people have come to rely heavily on the concept of triggers and some people have come to abhor this concept, while others may fall somewhere in between or be ambivalent. BBDB errs on the side of Being the Bigger person, and doing better for ourselves, our loved ones, and all those great and small. In fact, being the bigger person is so deeply ingrained its literally the first thing we stand for here. It’s right there in our name, it’s on our main page, and it’s a core part of how we think and operate. Since the concept of triggers is currently the most common nomenclature for addressing this specific category of concerns today, i.e. noting and addressing when something is upsetting someone, it should not come as a surprise that we would like to address triggers.
If you’re not sure what a trigger is in this context you can read more about them here: What is a trigger?
For our purposes we prefer to oversimplify what we feel is a trigger and what we choose to do about it to “play it safe”. Life is short, but it is also abundant. If something is genuinely triggering or upsetting to someone there are plenty of other ways we can express ourselves without insisting on clinging to possibly problematic content; therefore, it has no place here. Period. At BBDB, in it’s broadest sense, a trigger is anything (content, etc.) that is genuinely upsetting to someone. Period.
What will we do about triggers?
First, we want to bring awareness to the fact that triggering or otherwise upsetting someone is never the intent at Be Bigger Do Better. Though we firmly stand by this fact, we know that triggering or upsetting someone may happen unintentionally. As the world, language, and humanity continue to evolve it is impossible to keep up with any and all things that may be a trigger or otherwise be upsetting. Rather than censor ourselves so deeply we feel we cannot say anything here, we seek to be as respectful as we can with all content we produce. Should something we have produced cause a trigger or is otherwise upsetting, we and all our contributors adhere to the following policy.
The following is our current process for anything that may be a trigger or otherwise upsetting.
Any guest or contributor can use our contact form to let us know about a genuine trigger* or something otherwise upsetting on BBDB. Please include details about the content so we know what needs to be changed or removed. We may remove a whole piece of content or update the content to remove any triggering or upsetting materials.
If the genuine trigger is due to content that is posted by BBDB we will remove the content, no questions ask. To clarify, the only questions we may ask are for clarity of what exactly is triggering so we can remove or change the appropriate content. We will not question why the content is triggering, though we welcome any respectful feedback.
We will apologize and seek to do better moving forward. We welcome any respectful feedback on how to do better moving forward.
*Genuine trigger - we include the word genuine here to emphasize that while we want to be as accommodating as we can, we also reserve the right to consider submittals for their authenticity and how we will proceed with implementing this policy.
Note: While we understand some people find the concept of triggers problematic, in absence of a better process our policy will stand as seen above until such time that a better policy may arise. Should you have any interest in conducting respectful and/or insightful dialog about how to improve this policy you can submit a request to discuss with us through our contact form.
Other Concerns
We know triggers may not be the only concerns. We welcome hearing about any other concerns. You can use the contact form to let us know about any other concerns.
Should we receive concerns we will update this page to more elaborately address specific additional concerns.
Concern Bear knows it can get tough out there. We at Be Bigger Do Better don’t want it to be tough around here. Let us know if you have any concerns!
Submit a contact form.