The following content is for gentle reflection.
Hate, discord, and malice have no home here.
Partee Intro: Jessie
Jessie is joining us from the south. We’re happy to have him here, and interested to learn more about him. We know this isn’t the first place he wants to be hanging out, and we completely understand that. We’re glad to welcome him here and hope to be sharing plenty with him.
Brian’s Check in
Hey all. Brian’s here and wanted to check in and ask a few simple questions. Feel free to listen in and respond only if you’re interested. We’d love to hear from you, but mostly wanted to reach out.
Partee Intro: Fin
Hello Lovely Listeners. Listen to what Fin has to say about Be Bigger Do Better. A bit conflicted actually, but Fin’s in.
Take a Breath
Hello Lovely Listeners. We would like to share a relaxation exercise with you for a few minutes. Please join us.
Welcome to Be Bigger Do Better
Welcome to Be Bigger Do Better. Pull up a chair. We’d like to take a moment to share a little about BBDB with you.