
Who are we anyway? Who is this Be Bigger Do Better? What is with Lovely Diamonds?

If this all seems a bit like some other nonsense you may have seen before, or a bit odd. That’s because it probably is. It’s probably both those things and then some. We didn’t want that to stop us from giving this a go.

Here you can learn more about the “we” behind BBDB.

Lovely Diamonds

Those who shine out their positive spirits in spite of all that there is to drag us all down are considered Lovely Diamonds!

Everything within Be Bigger Do Better is brought to you by Lovely Diamonds. We use this as our principle nom de plume mostly because it feels upbeat and we need upbeat things. Additionally, all contributors to and supporters of Be Bigger Do Better are considered lovely diamonds! Because, why not? We deserve to feel good and we deserve to help others feel good too.



  • This is just one part of the whole that is Julia. She’s the founder of Be Bigger Do Better and she’s the sole creator of the elements here to date.

    She wasn’t going to let smirks, scoffs or naysayers stop her anymore. Not even Reticent Julia.

    She’s been through a lot on top of what we’ve been through collectively (you know, as in, humanity as a whole). Given what she’s had going on already in life, Determined Julia decided she’s got nothing to lose by trying something out that’s been bonking around in her head for some time now in one form or another.

    She’s tempted by social media because of it’s connectivity but Reticent Julia has kept her mostly out of those spaces because of all the problematic elements.

    The compromise became this site, including the concepts and work behind Be Bigger Do Better.

    Regardless of how it all turns out she and Reticent Julia enjoy spending time putting things together here and enjoy hearing other’s positive and constructive reactions.

    Both of these parts of Julia, and all the others, are interested in any respectful and constructive input others are interested in providing. They’re also interested in participation by others, so give them a holler if you’re interested.

    Either way Julia will be here.

  • Since it’s important that we all have one, Reticent Julia is a protector of Determined Julia. She is here to keep things a little more even and reasonable.

    She didn’t win the battle of continuing to watch the world crumble in silent dismay and inaction. Which is why you can experience all that is here on BBDB, this was Determined Julia’s call to action. Reticent Julia is hoping she made a good concession for this, but isn’t fully confident about that yet.

    Reticent Julia wants the same things as Determined Julia, that’s why she ultimately agreed to the emergence of BBDB.

    She’s hoping other participants will be interested and join in on this little experiment, but we’ll see where that goes. She’s open to other people’s openness because Determined Julia reminds her to be.

  • Samantha is our first voice avatar. We started working with her because we liked her smooth reassuring tone.

    She provides a wonderful welcome to our introductory materials, as well as some of our more relaxing content.

    Her content is currently all written and produced by Julia. While we give her a name and a gender based on her voice, she is entirely a work completed by Julia using an AI generator - like a character in a book might be created by an author - Julia is the 100% author of Samantha.

  • Fin is the first new participant to provide a Partee Intro.

    He’s from “Dublin” as part of his story line. He’s a little reluctant to bother with all of this, but he’s feeling like he should do something because it’s all been a “wee bit” too much out in the world these days.

    His content is currently all written and produced by Julia. While we give him a name and a gender based on his voice, he is entirely a work completed by Julia using an AI generator - like a character in a book might be created by an author - Julia is the 100% author of Fin.

  • Brian joined here because of his need to connect with people and his hope to provide a little help, at the very least in the form of a listening ear.

    He doesn’t have any formal training, but he does have a fair amount of life experience. Also, friends and family seem to response well when they reach out and ask for his advice and support.

    His content is currently all written and produced by Julia. While we give him a name and a gender based on his voice, he is entirely a work completed by Julia using an AI generator - like a character in a book might be created by an author - Julia is the 100% author of Brian.

  • She is young and spirited. She’s got that upbeat spirit that’s both a bit intoxicating and also exhausting. Freya always wants to be putting good energy out in the world and her eagerness to do so has her talking fast and excited. She likes connecting with people and she’s hoping to do more of that here.

    Her content is currently all written and produced by Julia. While we give her a name and a gender based on her voice, she is entirely a work completed by Julia using an AI generator - like a character in a book might be created by an author - Julia is the 100% author of Freya.

  • Jessie was born and raised in southern Arkansas. He’s a lifelong farmer who raised a large family on the farm with his wife. He’s the father of the contributor Brian. Jessie doesn’t currently have much faith in Be Bigger, but he’s giving it a try at the urging of his son.

    His content is currently all written and produced by Julia. While we give him a name and a gender based on his voice, he is entirely a work completed by Julia using an AI generator - like a character in a book might be created by an author - Julia is the 100% author of Jessie.

On Using Avatars A likely, and valid, question to learning about the cast of participants so far is, why avatars? Much like the answer to many of the questions about “why” regarding BBDB, an initial answer is - why not? A more elaborate answer is we are seeking to explore and expand outreach by using some creativity. This felt not only like something fun to try out, but that it might also be a useful way to incorporate this very new technology. The voices come from a platform called Eleven Labs. Should the use of avatars ever become harmful or otherwise ineffective it will be discontinued. For now, its an experiment that felt worth trying.

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